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  • May 12, 2022 10:51 AM | Deleted user

    Hey, y’all!

    Let me introduce myself. I’m Scott Williams and I work at Conroe ISD. I’m honored to be chosen as the new President of TSUN. I want to thank Cindy, John, Joe, and Allen for their dedication over the years. I have some huge "shoes" to fill.

    A little about me: I’ve been working at Conroe for the past 23 years as the Systems Admin/Database Admin supporting all student and financial systems, I’m a Cognos Administrator, Modeler, and Report Writer. I have a team of two that supports 130 servers and 14 databases. We also create the foundation for Canvas and many other programs, TSQL is our friend.

    Little known facts:  I was born and lived in Anchorage, Alaska for three years before my dad was transferred to Fort Lewis and finally Fort Leonard Wood. Yes, I’m an Army Brat. I grew up in Missouri and have been fortunate to work all over the US. Ocean over a pool any day, love all things outdoors.  Until a few years ago, I was an assistant scuba instructor and love diving in the Caribbean.

    Moving forward, the board and I have yet to have our first official meeting, but I see great things ahead. My mind is always asking the question, "What if?" Our department's slogan is Yes we can." With TSUN it feels like "Better Together." TSUN represents a group of extremely talented individuals who have unique skills.  Did you know TSUN stands for Texas Schools User Network?  

    I want to thank Allen Campbell (Communications), Eric Combs (VP Student), Lisa Reinhardtsen (VP Finance), and Mike Coleman (Treasurer) for taking this journey with me, with us, better together.  I missed seeing some smiling faces at the last TSUN and I know there are new districts out there.  Please feel free to forward my email when appropriate.  Please take the time to update your contact information on https://tx-sun.wildapricot.org/.

    In closing, we will be working on updating the website and getting a survey to you. We want to hear your feedback.

    If you have any questions and/or "what if’s", please feel free to reach out to me at scott.tsun@gmail.com I look forward to speaking with you all again soon.

    Scott Williams

    President, TSUN

  • July 17, 2021 2:10 PM | Deleted user

    TSUN 2022 is on track!

    The TSUN Board is planning the 2022 conference at The Omni in Corpus Christi, April 24th through the 27th 2022.

    We will have more information coming out, but we wanted to give you an update and let you know where we stand.


  • January 22, 2021 10:08 AM | Deleted user

    Unfortunately, we have again made the difficult decision to postpone TSUN for 2021.

    With all of the uncertainty, the new strains of COVID-19, and other issues, we feel we need to exercise  caution to keep everyone safe.

    HOWEVER, we WILL be having TSUN in 2022.  It will be at the Omni Hotel in Corpus Christi, from Sunday April 24th to Wednesday April 27th, 2022.

    (There will be a few rooms available on Saturday night for those that might want to come in on Saturday and miss the Sunday traffic.)

    We apologize for not having TSUN this year.  We were looking forward to seeing everyone again.  But we WILL be there next year!  So please make plans for TSUN in 2022.

    As for 2021, we haven't ruled out virtual sessions for some things.  However, we are still working out the logistics on that.  We keep you informed on the status of the virtual sessions.

    For now, you ALL stay safe!  You are what's important.  You are the ones that keep our schools safe, keep our people safe, and keep things moving in the right direction.

  • March 19, 2020 11:20 AM | Deleted user

    Due to the circumstances surrounding the Novel Coronovirus (COVID-19), we have made the difficult decision to postpone the TSUN 2020 Conference until 2021.
    We feel this is in the best interest of all members of TSUN.  Your safety and well-being are a top priority for us.
    The registration link has been disabled on the web-site.
    All registration fees currently paid will be refunded.  It will take us a while to get them processed, so please be patient with us.
    The Omni hotel will mass drop all reservations under the TSUN block.

    We will have TSUN 2021 at The Omni in Corpus Christi.  The dates will be April 25-28, 2021.
    Again, we apologize for postponing the conference.  However, we do believe it is the right thing to do.
    Where does that leave us?
    Well, it means we have more time to work on sessions.  So please be thinking about sessions you would like to have for the TSUN 2021 conference.  And think about sessions YOU would like to lead, yourself! This truly is a USER conference.  We need user led sessions. YOU are the people on the front lines. You know how to utilize the software to make things work.  You are the people we need to hear from.
    As for the election –
    Because Paul and Jenny will be vacating their positions before the next conference, the bylaws state that the TSUN Board has the authority to appoint members to fill their unexpired positions.  We currently have one person running for each position. It is our pleasure and honor to welcome Scott Minar, Clear Creek ISD, to the Vice President – Finance position and John Parker, Killeen ISD, to the Vice President – Student position. They will hold these positions for the remaining year left of the 3 year term. The positions will be open for nominations in 2021.
    We also have one person running for Communications Officer.  But, we will be sending out electronic ballots for that election.  That term is up this year, and must be voted on.
    We will send out more information a little later, but we wanted to get this out to all of you as soon as possible.
    We thank you all for being such an integral part of TSUN.
    Be careful.
    Be safe.
    Hug your family.
    We will get through this.
    Cindy Oppermann,
    Paul Ritter,
    Jenny Schulz,
    Joe Pedraza,
    Allen Campbell


  • February 28, 2020 1:37 PM | Deleted user


    Because we are a little later with the session list than we expected, we are officially extending the Early Bird registration through Friday March 6th!

    We are getting the sessions put together and firmed up.  For a list of the current sessions, please use this link - 


    As we add new sessions, they will appear on the list - so keep that link handy.

    Also, please understand this is a living document, so things are subject to change on this list for a little while.

    Thank you for your suggestions on the conferences - we are still working to get them set up and scheduled with leaders for those sessions.  We take your suggestions very seriously and are working to make them happen - after all, you are the heartbeat of TSUN!


     - Allen

  • January 28, 2020 7:48 AM | Deleted user

    Registration is now open for TSUN 2020!

    For information on registration, hotel reservation, positions up for election, and a survey about what you want to see, please follow this link - 


    We now have an Early Bird option for $375 - but it's only good until the end of February.

    The Communications Officer is up for election on the regular cycle.

    We also have the Vice President - Student and the Vice President - Finance positions that are up for the unexpired term.  Both positions have a year remaining on their term.

    Paul Ritter (Judson ISD) and Jenny Shulz (Klein ISD) will be moving to a different software platform, and will be stepping down at the end of this conference.  They will truly be missed.

    Check out the above link for all the information.

    One last thing - if you receive this message more than once, PLEASE let me know.  We are trying something new.


     - Allen

  • March 01, 2017 7:28 AM | Deleted user

    Please use the form below to nominate members for the post of TSUN Communications Officer.  Voting will take place at the annual TSUN conference in April.

  • July 15, 2016 2:35 PM | Deleted user

    In April of 2017, the Texas Sungard User Network Conference will be in San Antonio at the Hyatt Hill Country.  We will be meeting April 9, 2017 through April 12, 2017.  We will be sending out more information as we get closer to the date of the conference.

  • December 10, 2015 7:05 PM | Deleted user
    It will be here before you know it.  The TSUN conference will be April 10 - 13 at the Westin Houston Memorial City.  Keep an eye out for the announcement for registration to open.
  • April 13, 2015 12:42 PM | Deleted user
    I wanted to post the video for the 2015 SNUG conference. Check it out!  Look forward to seeing everyone in Palm Springs!

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