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Welcome from Scott Williams, TSUN President

May 12, 2022 10:51 AM | Deleted user

Hey, y’all!

Let me introduce myself. I’m Scott Williams and I work at Conroe ISD. I’m honored to be chosen as the new President of TSUN. I want to thank Cindy, John, Joe, and Allen for their dedication over the years. I have some huge "shoes" to fill.

A little about me: I’ve been working at Conroe for the past 23 years as the Systems Admin/Database Admin supporting all student and financial systems, I’m a Cognos Administrator, Modeler, and Report Writer. I have a team of two that supports 130 servers and 14 databases. We also create the foundation for Canvas and many other programs, TSQL is our friend.

Little known facts:  I was born and lived in Anchorage, Alaska for three years before my dad was transferred to Fort Lewis and finally Fort Leonard Wood. Yes, I’m an Army Brat. I grew up in Missouri and have been fortunate to work all over the US. Ocean over a pool any day, love all things outdoors.  Until a few years ago, I was an assistant scuba instructor and love diving in the Caribbean.

Moving forward, the board and I have yet to have our first official meeting, but I see great things ahead. My mind is always asking the question, "What if?" Our department's slogan is Yes we can." With TSUN it feels like "Better Together." TSUN represents a group of extremely talented individuals who have unique skills.  Did you know TSUN stands for Texas Schools User Network?  

I want to thank Allen Campbell (Communications), Eric Combs (VP Student), Lisa Reinhardtsen (VP Finance), and Mike Coleman (Treasurer) for taking this journey with me, with us, better together.  I missed seeing some smiling faces at the last TSUN and I know there are new districts out there.  Please feel free to forward my email when appropriate.  Please take the time to update your contact information on https://tx-sun.wildapricot.org/.

In closing, we will be working on updating the website and getting a survey to you. We want to hear your feedback.

If you have any questions and/or "what if’s", please feel free to reach out to me at scott.tsun@gmail.com I look forward to speaking with you all again soon.

Scott Williams

President, TSUN

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